Our values

We invest

Always improving.

Across plant, process and people, we build for better.

Continuous investment across our business means we can benefit from the best facilities, people and processes available in the marketplace, and plan for the future with scale in mind. We’re committed to building an empowered, knowledgable an effective workforce, with the tools, technology and motivation it takes to deliver consistent, high-quality outcomes year after year.

Operating to the highest operational, safety and environmental standards, we offer multiple formats across both dog and cat food categories. Our wet pet food division has a capacity of over 500,000 tonnes of product per year across cans, pouches, alutray and sausage formats. Our dry pet food division has capacity of over 200,000 tonnes per year.

packaging formats

Dry Foods

Various formats and sizes available. Contact info.ireland@cdfoods.com for more details.