Transitioning to 100% renewable electricity: our commitment to a sustainable future

According to the International Energy Agency, manufacturing and industrial operations consume about a third of the world’s energy, with electricity accounting for a large proportion of that energy demand*. By switching to renewable electricity sources, factories and industrial plants could significantly contribute to combating climate change.

Here at C&D Foods, we recognised the opportunity to make a positive difference to our carbon emissions by switching to renewables and, since February 2024, all nine of our manufacturing sites across Europe are now powered by 100% renewable electricity.

This transition, which involves sourcing 65,000,000 kWh of electricity from renewable sources each year, is a significant step towards reducing our carbon footprint and supporting global sustainability efforts.

This is one of a number of initiatives we are actively delivering as part of our strategy for doing more with less.
We are proud of our achievements but focused on doing more, with full accountability for meeting our targets. We will continue to share our progress and the steps we are taking to ensure our operations are as sustainable as possible.
